Scheduled Classes

Catalysis Group offers public classes on a regular basis.

Learn more and sign up for our upcoming classes below.

Allison Nordenbrock Allison Nordenbrock

Fundamentals of Successful Project Management April 29, 30, and May 1, 2025

A participatory workshop teaching practical project management concepts and skills.

COST: This workshop is offered to classes of 12 to 20 participants at a per-student price of $950. This includes the cost of the facility, lunch, and all participant materials. Discounts are available to organizations sending multiple participants or providing their own facility.


Fundamentals of Successful Project Management is a three-day workshop that teaches the skills and techniques needed to effectively define, plan, and manage projects. Intended for project managers and senior team members, the course combines discussion, demonstrations and hands-on exercises to communicate and reinforce key concepts and skills.


At the conclusion of the three-day workshop participants will:

-Understand concepts, skills, and techniques needed to define, plan, and manage projects
-Have applied these skills and techniques to case study projects and situations in class
-Possess improved project & task definition and estimation skills
-Know tracking mechanisms to improve management and status reporting
-Share a common project management language with their peers
-Be better prepared to define, plan, and manage projects in the real world


Instruction is organized around five groups of project management processes:

Initiating – Emphasizes the importance of clearly defined objectives and provides tools to assist with organizing a team to determine objectives and construct a comprehensive charter that captures the project’s schedule, scope and resource targets and constraints.
Planning – Presents processes to support the creation and refinement of credible plans to accomplish project objectives. Particular emphasis is placed on task definition, schedule creation, risk management and communication between the project manager and project sponsors to facilitate informed decision-making.
Executing – Doing project work.
Monitoring & Controlling – Using the work products from planning to facilitate tracking progress, assuring work product quality, supporting informed decisions and recommendations, coordinating the activities of the project team and external entities, identifying and capitalizing on opportunities for process improvement, and communicating project status.
Closing – Efficiently closing a project administratively while assuring that the sponsoring organization benefits from lessons learned.

PMI-PDU Information

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) has discontinued its Registered Education Provider program. People successfully completing this course may still claim 24 contact hours of project management-related education.

The Next Public Class will be In Sacramento, California 4/29-5/1, 2025

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